Monday, January 28, 2013

Boy Scouts to Drop Ban on Gays?

Grass root efforts to convince the Boy Scouts of America to rescind their national gay ban policy have been heard. Last July, the Board chose to reaffirm the club’s position on no gay members or gay troop leaders after reviewing a 2-yr long study by a committee. Today, officials announced when the board convenes next month they will consider removing the national policy and defer the decision to the local troop charter.
The honorarium president of the Boy Scouts is of course the President of the United States. President Obama has voiced his support for the gay community and urged the Boy Scouts to reconsider. Former Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney, a Mormon, also urged the group to end this practice. Two members of the National Board have been vocal about the time has come to end this policy and vowed to work from within to make changes.    read more

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