Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Paul Clement To Supreme Court, Gay People Are Too Powerful To Get Equal Rights

Paul Clement is a super lawyer hired by House Republican lawmakers, whose brief identifies them as the Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group of the U.S. House of Representatives to champion their cause. Conservative law makers have retained the services of this $520 an hour attorney on several occasions all billed to tax payer. He is defending South Carolina’s illegal voter ID law, Arizona’s SB 1070, leading the challenge to the Affordable Care Act and most recently unconstitutional Defense of Marriage Act. Clements 60 page brief to the Supreme Court came at the end of a nearly two year retainer costing the American tax payer $3 million.

The SCOTUS is preparing to hear arguments on March 26-27 to determine the constitutionality of two laws that define marriage as the union of a man and a woman. House GOP are looking to convince the Supreme Court to leave marriage discrimination untouched. "Judicially constitutionalizing the issue of same-sex marriage is unwarranted as a matter of sound social and political policy while the American people are so actively engaged in working through this issue for themselves," their brief said.   read more