Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Sequester To Put 800,000 Federal Workers On Furlough

The March 1, 2013 deadline in the 2011 Budget Control Act is approaching. The Sequester, as it has been named, seems imminent. Congress is currently on recess, and upon their return, they will have only 4 days to hash out an agreement on budget cuts. The Budget Control Act implemented pending foolish and harsh spending cuts in an effort to force Republicans and Democrats to compromise on federal spending. The plan did not work.
The Department of Defense retains a 17 percent of the budget but is facing 49.5 percent of the cuts. Military cannot be furloughed. In preparation for the cuts, the Defense Department has sent out required notification to nearly 800,000 federal employees of the furlough program going into effect the end of April. The furlough will consist of one required   read more