Friday, January 25, 2013

Obama Recess Appointments Violate the Constitution, D.C. Circuit Court Rules

A federal appeals court ruled that President Obama violated the Constitution last year when he made appoints to the labor board evoking the executive power of recess appointment. The reason the three-judge panel ruled against the President was simply the Senate was not in recess as defined by the Constitution. Appointments will be invalidated.
The Department of Justice made Obama's argument that the President has discretion to decide if the Senate is unavailable to perform its advice and consent function. The judges rejected this interpretation of the law. "Either the Senate is in session or it is in recess,"    read more

Scotty Maloney Crowned Homecoming King Even Though He Is Not Nominated (Video)

Teenagers often receive negative news attention. They can be portrayed as some of the most mean-spirited group. The news is full of bullying stories and videos showing someone getting beat up to glee of onlookers. All is not lost on the youth of today. A heartwarming story comes out of Tennessee. Three young men nominated for Homecoming King, Jesse Cooper, Drew Gibbs, and Zeke Grissom conspired with each other that no matter who won the popular vote they would give the title to Scotty Maloney. The teens were grateful for their high school experience and wanted to give Maloney something special to remember high school.
Maloney has Williams Syndrome, a genetic condition characterized by    read more