Friday, December 28, 2012

Concealed Gun Class Attended By Utah Teachers (Video)

Twenty children were killed in school by a gunman. The nation is in a scramble over gun control and keeping children safe in schools. Fingers point in every direction. "Some will want police officers there. Others of them will want private security guards," said David Keene, NRA president. "There may be some place they want volunteers to do it. We're willing to work with everybody on those questions." The Utah school system already addressed this issue allowing teachers to carry a concealed gun.

This past week, The Shooting Sport Council of Utah held a free class to teach how to handle a gun, gun safety and carrying a concealed weapon. It is a periodic class offered to public servants including educators. Approximately 200 teachers attended the training read more

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Westboro Baptist Church To Be Labelled As Hate Group By White House?

"Westboro will picket Sandy Hook Elementary School to sing praise to God for the glory of his work in executing his judgment," tweeted church spokesman Shirley Phelps-Roger. When news that Westboro Baptist Church planned to show up in Newton and shout praises for the death of those children became public knowledge the nation was outraged. A petition on the White House website was started to have the group labeled a hate group. The petition states in part "Their actions have been directed at many groups, including homosexuals, military, Jewish people and even other Christians. They pose a threat to the welfare and treatment of others and will not improve without some form of imposed regulation".      read more

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Jon Hammar Released After Five Months in Mexican Prison

Florida resident Jon Hammar is an ex-marine veteran having served in Iraq and Afghanistan. He and a friend decided to take a motor trip through Mexico to Costo Rica for a hunting and surfing vacation. When Hammar was exiting the U.S., he asked about transporting his great-grandfather's shotgun. U.S. Customs provided paperwork for him to fill out. When Hammar crossed the border, he went into Mexican customs with the paperwork and declared his shotgun. Both men were immediately arrested.     read more

Deadline for Backup Cameras Mandate Looks To Get Another Extension by Department of Transportation

Judy Neiman is making an anguished plea to the White House and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to cease the stall tactics surrounding the implementing of required backup cameras in passenger vehicles, a measure that could have saved her daughter's life last December. Neiman was driving a 2006 Cadillac Escalade without installed cameras. This feature was not available as an option. The Escalade did have a rear parking assist system which was to set off alarm and lights when the sensor detected objects or people within five feet. Neiman killed her nine-year-old daughter when she ran over her while backing up.         read more

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Candid Photo Of Officer Larry DePrimo Goes Viral

Jennifer Foster, from Arizona, was vacationing in Manhattan when she saw NYPD Officer Larry DePrimo approach a homeless man on the street. While everyone walked passed unphased by what the officer was doing, Foster quickly snapped a photo. The whole scenario brought back a childhood memory of   ... read more

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Younger Sister Beat Unconscious for Getting Cheetos

Deby Mejia, a 23-year-old Texas woman, has been arrested for felony injury to a child after beating her 10-year-old younger sister. Mejia told the police she became enraged when she saw her sister eating a bag of Cheetos. She whipped the child   read more

Friday, November 9, 2012

Fear of Tighter Gun Regulation Spur Gun Sales with Reelection

Gun shop owners selling semi-automatic assault weapons have seen an increase in sales since the election and expect it to peak this weekend. Gun enthusiasts fear the Obama administration will implement tighter gun regulation on the controversial weapons.   read more

Who Has Reproductive Rights Over Recently Deceased?

For grieving parents, the lost possibilities of all that could have been are also mourned. For the parents of 19-year old Rufus Arthur McGill that included the possibility of grandchildren and continuation of the family line. McGill had been in critical condition since the October 14thaccident which killed 15-year-old Hannah M. Long. His parents,  read more

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Asbestos Among Sandy Wreckage Posing Significant Public Health Risk

Hurricane Sandy wreckage is scattered along the eastern coast of New Jersey and New York. "People are out there now looking for wedding pictures and clothing to stay warm," said Linda Reinstein, president of the nonprofit Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization. "Asbestos is not at the top of their mind." But it should be.  read more

Friday, November 2, 2012

Man Is Mugged While Running Home During Storm (video)

Jeremy Furchtgott was hurrying home to safety in Crown Heights before the full brunt of Sandy hit NYC. He fell on the sidewalk thinking he must have tripped on a branch. In fact, he was tripped by one of five assailants that mugged him.    read more

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Killer Recants Death Bed Confession When He Does Not Die

Joyce Goodener was murdered in July 1995. She suffered a stab in the neck, was beaten with a cinder block, rolled up in a rug and set on fire. With no leads her case had grown cold. Then the unexpected happened.    read more

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

NC NAACP Rev. Barber Responds to Rev. Billy Graham Ads

Rev. Dr. William Barber, head of the NC NAACP, held a news conference on Monday supported by group of statewide religious leaders. The group read an open letter to the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) and specifically Rev. Franklin Graham protesting views voiced by a full-page advertisement appearing   read more

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Big Bird Costume Sales Skyrocket

Politics is a staple for adults and Halloween. So what is the hot political statement trending this year? Why it is the Big Bird costume of course. After presidential hopeful Mitt Romney pledged to rein in government spending,   read more

Monday, October 22, 2012

Nine-Year-Old in Halloween Costume Shot by Relative

New Sewickley Township police report that a nine-year-old girl in her Halloween costume was shot by a relative. The unidentified girl received wounds to her shoulder, arm, back, and neck. The child was alert when transported to the Children's Hospital of    read more

Thursday, October 18, 2012

80-Year-Old Nancy Lack Arrested for Taken Down Controversial Obama Sign

Eighty-year-old Nancy Lack was so upset when she saw posters belonging to LaRouche PAC of President Obama she decided to take action. Now she is facing a fine of $500 and three months in jail for sixth-degree larceny and breach of peace. Lack stopped her    read more

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Violent Crime Rate Increases For First Time In Two Decades

The Justice Department said last year's violent crime rate went up. This is the first time the rate has increased in nearly two decades. The category includes simple assaults, which include threat with no weapon and minor injuries, and serious violent crime       read more

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Redgranite Obama Sign, Is It Racist?

In Redgranite, Wisconsin from Highway 21 a sign reads in red lettering "Hang Obama." There is large hangman's noose also very prominent. If you stop and approach the sign, you       read more

Is Mandatory Paid Medical Leave A Human Rights Issue

 With the tag line, a human rights issue, an unjust practice comes to mind. Is the lack of paid medical leave an injustice? Since when is it the employer's financially responsible for the choice to have a baby? By that logic,     read more